You can mark laps at any time during a ride. You have the option to turn on Auto-Lap or mark Laps manually. You can also manually mark Laps even if you have Auto-Lap turned on.
Open the Profile you want to turn Auto-Lap on.
Under "Lap and Workout", Toggle "Auto-Lap" ON.
You can Toggle between Distance, Time, or Location.
You can select the data you want to see by default in your Lap drawer, per-profile.
This allows you to see the data you care about each time you mark a Lap.
You have the option of automatically marking a lap each time
you cross a specific location. Under Location, you have an additional
option to automatically place an Auto-Lap Pin at the start of your ride.
If you are moving when the pin is placed, a directional heading will be assigned to it.
Traveling through this pin in a different direction will not trigger a lap.
You can tap on an Auto-Lap Pin to delete it.
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