Feeding and hydration notices
AnsweredI think that it would be very usefull, a reminder to feed and drink during the activity.
Just set the warning frequency and an icon appears on the screen or something like that.
I think that Garmin has a tool like this. I try to feed me each 45 minutes or 1 hour but always I forget it, maybe this tool could help me.
Garmin has a lot of really stupid features, but this one is real. I dislike the Garmin implementation — a full screen take over with fairly long auto clear.
I love Don’s suggestion…
- Add Alerts, give it a label (‘drink reminder’)
- Set Trigger Type — time based, (Distance based? why?), Location based
- Set Repeating - yes, no
- Set Audible option - pick from set of tones
- Set Notification type - Banner, manual/auto clear (maybe version 3)
Anyone have some examples they would set?
- Drink / Eat (20 min, repeating)
- Recalibrate power meter (15 min after start, once)
Go big! Community Alerts (Waze-like)
- Caution: Wheel Eating Pothole Ahead
- Caution: Mean dog, no fence
I'd suggest we start small...
- Label (e.g. ‘drink reminder’)
- Type — time or distance (always from start of ride)
- Repeating - yes, no
And then could build from there:
- Type - Location (interface for this is much harder than a time/distance since start)
- Audible option - pick from set of tones (no precedent for this in the interface AFAIK)
- Notification type - Banner, manual/auto clear (no precedent for this in the interface AFAIK)
I personally think that the waze alerts will clutter up the map. And be a distraction/danger to users.
Hi guys…
Nothing new… I would say…
But I gave up…All the best
Andi -
Somehow, if we don´t use auto-lap function as auto-lap indeed, we can set auto-lap with a distance similar to the timing we want to be reminded to eat or drink. So, when we see our K2 beeping a new lap, we know that is our reminder time to eat or drink.
Let us define auto-lap each 30kms...if we have an AVG speed of 30km/h, we know when K2 alerts a new lap that is time to eat a snack.
In the K2 you can use a karoo specifically developed 3rd party app to fill this gap in the official software. In the K3 it's not yet possible, due to the blocked SDK 🤷♀️ In the K3, maybe an general android sideloaded app could cover that for the moment 🤔
This is an screenshot from a video of an almost newborn plugin hkvin in a K2 unit (in spanish), one of its lots of features is configuring alarms, here is shown "Drink, every 60 minutes":
Surely there are more specific plugins just for this subject of "eat and drink".
It shouldn't be difficult to do this in the official soft, but... 🙄
Hi Hernando, yeah, here you have the video where I took the screenshot (aprox min 4') and links to download it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQcv28s0klsIt's not a professional video, it is just a home show from developer to his "beta" users, mostly people asking him for features. He has a former training app for Android (vinapp) and just wanted to have similar features on his K2, and created this plugin "hkvin". The alerts was a feature requested by somebody. You can see this feature is only a minute in a long 22 minutes video demo full of training features 😅
As you are from Colombia, you don't have any problem with video language 😉 Developer said that plugin hkvin is in Spanish and English.
I didn't test it because I don't need it for my simple purposes, but looks very impressive. For some of the features of the plugin I think you must have also the former app "vinapp" installed with an opened account, but surely it is not necessary for Alerts.
I think there is no "official" web page for this plugin yet. He does have a web for the former app (http://web.vinapp.es/), a telegram group in spanish where support both (https://t.me/vinapp_beta), and also the Karoo thread on a spanish bike forum where he shares news about it and looks for feedback (https://www.foromtb.com/threads/gps-hammerhead-karoo.1402195/page-624#post-28764318). Maybe you are interested in any. All those in Spanish.
Best regards.
Hi Hernando, I installed it just for curiosity. The alerts config is general, not adjustable per profile...I added 2 alerts for testing, one per minute and the other every 5 minutes.
I edited a testing profile and added several graph fields and screens from the plugin, and began a "ride", at home, without sensors, on my desk. No autopause for this test.
I could see that alerts are shown big in a graph field of this plugin, exactly I saw the alerts on the "virtual partner" graph, but not in the other 2 graphs I put for testing. Not beeping, maybe is a bug or a problem of mine, because developer said that it has also to beep. Maybe as I tested it this way, it not worked fully as expected.
I see the limitations of this feature as it is for now... you have to put a graph of this plugin in every screen if you want to see an alert on any screen... Anyway, it's improvable, this is the first version of the alert feature... maybe developer can use a new simple data field to show alerts... I think that due to limitations of the SDK, maybe he cannot push a message directly on screen (at any screen), and have to fit just in the fields. Maybe an external app could overcome this limitations... I'm thinking on Telegram, that shows the notifications on the top, another app could do the same.
Edit: Just for reference, I found a thread from the "hkvin" plugin author here, in the community forum: https://support.hammerhead.io/hc/en-us/community/posts/26200972280475-Free-custom-field-app-karoo-sdk-based
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