Let us turn OFF rerouting




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    +100 to this feature, please.  Re-routing makes navigation sooo difficult for gravel/single-track.  #1 the GPS is not always 100% accurate with single track / gravel roads.  I got desparately lost in a race this past weekend that I was winning by a long shot, but then added 10 miles to the route inadvertedly because of the confusion from following the "re-routing" lines.  With such small screen real-estate, it's hard to tell the difference, it's also very difficult to zoom out.... put that into the context of a gravel race where you're trying to hammer at the same time... ugh... this was very frustrating.  On top of this, I sometimes see sections of trail/gravel show up in red even though that *is* the route.  Just allow this to be turned off, please, please, please! 

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    What a BLESS it would be, if we could just TURN OFF REROUTING

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    George R

    It's been two years since the original post and 100% of us agree.  Turn off auto rerouting. 

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    Hi Sergio, thanks a lot for sharing your input. We understand the requirements and the needs. We will be passing it on to the Product team for consideration along with other similar posts on this requests.

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    Piotr Piotrowski

    My experience from latest week:

    I mainly use navigation for routes where I'm riding some new locations - playing with wandrer.earth and squadrats.com.
    My routes are usually a bit twisted, a lot of turns and some sections overlap. I was riding before with Locus and Wahoo but Karoo is the best at dealing with them - especially when you back to route in the middle, it quickly finds where are you, even if you ride there before. It's very important for me.

    But re-routing seems to sensitive. It can even be triggered when you turn your handlebars in other direction than on loaded route. It will try to reroute even if there is no roads (like I was on the river bank). It will try to re-route if some forest path doesn't exactly match map. And at the end of that it can crash Karoo

    I went off road for a 5 secs. it was a path in forest, it ends on the map, but in reality it was longer so I want to check where it really ends.

    Here is a video with Karoo in infinite loop when trying to re-route (and it really slows down everything:

    When I was trying to remove the route and save current ride it restarted and after that it continue but ~6km of data was lost.

    It will be nice if we can get some options to manually tweak this function. Like setting off-route distance or when there is a problematic segment and it constantly reroutes - add a button to postpone it for some time.

    Another important thing for me is that, if possible, I want to get back on my route exactly where I left it. I know that it will be not easy with option to continue route from the middle but not everything must work automatically - we can have some options for people that riding to explore not to train and can stop and choose some options. It can be set as a profile setting like "Explorer mode".


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    Hi, please cosifer to implement this simple feature


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    HH is not listening, please add comments on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HeXuFKSpYY

    perhaps this will help as new customers will be more tuned to Youtube then to this forum

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    Guido Del Giudice

    it is completely absurd that they are ignoring this request since it has been asked numerous times over the years...

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    Vedran Berkovic

    Actually, this has been implemented some time ago, but in an absurd and unintuitive way: 

    Karoo Software Build Version 1.419.1626 – Hammerhead

    Karoo 2 - Start a Ride – Hammerhead

    So, when choosing a route to ride you have to select 'Breadcrumb' and than it will not reroute automatically :) 




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    Vedran Berkovic

    I Agree. Tested this a few days ago and works well, finally no crazy rerouting, although Karoo still beeps all the time complaining you're not on the route, the same way it reroutes frantically when using normal routing despite being on the route. It seems this off-route detection is way too sensitive so even while you ride normally following the route it keeps rerouting in a crazy way... Autoreroute is really crappy and annoying on Karoo :( 

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    Wow, hidden indeed! Agreed on the posts above this is not "exactly" what we want, but may allow me to return to using my Karoo2 on mapped Gravel/MTB rides.  I've reverted back to my Garmin 830 because of how completely frustrating (infuriating) the re-routing is.  

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    Hi All, this feature was released in recent update on June 13th

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    Peter Gregory

    Perhaps it's not surprising based on how little there has been in recent software updates.

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    Dave Ryall

    I tried a Karoo2 around a year ago and returned it as for off-road use (UK) the rerouting made it essentially unusable. This 'breadcrumb' fix has tempted me back (as did the recent discount), and for me it appears to work fine. Of course you lose TBT, but you can't have it both ways!

    Slightly strange way of going about it, but achieves the desired result. maybe it's a case of a climbdown with honour satisfied both sides. ?

    I note also that the app seems to have much more functionality - another significant bit of progress.

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    Donald Newlands

    Wow, I missed the "breadcrumb" feature, but it's not what I think most of the people who have been commenting on the issue for the past couple of years want.  I think most of us want a way to turn re-routing off when necessary.  Why can't we have it "both ways"?  Every other other app offers TBT when you want it and re-routing off as an option. 

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    Mark Zeman

    FYI Karoo now has the ability to turn off rerouting. You can setup a profile that always has it off or you can temporarily turn it off by sliding down the controls from the top of the screen while following a route.

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