When 'replanning' does the choice of 'Prefer Pavement/gravel/trail' effect what happens'?




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    Hi Dave,

    Thanks so much for your feedback and suggestions.

    Introducing preferences to surfaces you’d like to ride on, configurable per profile. Now, Karoo can prefer Pavement, Gravel, or Trail when you reroute or route to a pin including Home and Start location.

    Please reach out to us by submitting a ticket if you have any concerns.

    Thank you!

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    Hi Dave, the option is not available on the Karoo right now. So the re-route on Karoo does not take those into consideration. We might be bringing this feature on Karoo 2 in future, but it has not been planned as of now. We will let you know if the situation changes.

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    Dave Ryall

    Thanks Ali.

    I've been trying to understand how the unit makes it's rerouting decisions and that looked like a possibly important choice to make as a user input.

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    Dave Ryall

    Unfortunately I gave up in frustration at the poor performance of the rerouting function, and the refusal to make it user selectable. I sent my K2 back for a refund. If rerouting were to be made selectable I'd probably buy another as there are many things to like, but until then it doesn't work for me I'm afraid. The short battery life was a bit of a concern too.

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