Feature request/bug: pause/resume button doesn’t work when navigation cue displayed




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    Tim Wellman

    I agree with OP, this is the most annoying feature.of Karoo and is quite frankly ridiculous. Either make the button always.work.as pause/resume or have non-mappable button or extra button in future. This.is the only thing I dislike about the product.

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    Neil Kidney


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    Anna Ronkainen

    As far as I can see, the pause/resume button now does absolutely nothing when a cue is displayed, possibly because I haven’t tried pressing it except until after having reached the end of the route. Anyway, once the end of the route has been reached, there are no additional cues to show, and no downside to entering the end of ride flow.

    And yes, of course you can swipe the cue down to dismiss it (I even wrote as much in my original post), but especially when the thing goes into rerouting mode after going far enough past the end of the route, the next cue often appears pretty much right away, leaving you maybe a second to hit the right button in between. After having ridden for hours, I’m not really in the mood for games like that.

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    Anna Ronkainen

    Nope, couldn’t get the D button to do anything while a cue was displayed in any situation, and the two top buttons would just switch between different data pages as usual.

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    So just went and played with the Karoo a bit. When cue card is displayed the 'b' button bottom left will close the card so that you can then use the 'd' button to pause/stop a ride. You are right the 'd' button does nothing when card is showing.


    Hope that helps knew there was a easy way to do it.

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    Anna Ronkainen

    Yes, again, I already wrote in opening post that the cue can also be dismissed with the B button. The real issue is not that you can’t dismiss the cue but rather that a second (and third and...) cue may pop up right away after the first one. (For what it’s worth, the odometer on my K2 has just hit 20,000 km, so I would like to think I have some experience in using the unit as well.)

    Anyway, I note that the status of this thread has changed to “Planned”, looking forward to this.

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    Wow condescending much.

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    Anna Ronkainen

    Since a couple of updates ago, the Karoo now keeps the Destination reached message on screen instead of ending up in rerouting hell after the route has finished, which is of course an improvement. But still there is the extra step of having to dismiss the cue first before the start/stop button starts doing things, which seems completely unnecessary to me.

    (Yes, I’m highly proficient in key algorithmic techniques such as recursion and condescension, thank you very much.)

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    Anna Ronkainen

    It’s a lot less annoying now than when I originally posted this (because the endless end of route rerouting was removed and anyway turning off rerouting altogether would have got rid of it as well) but yeah, it makes no sense to me that you still have to dismiss any navigation cues (or whatever) first before being able to end and save the ride, that flow takes an awful lot of button presses (4 plus a bit of waiting in between) as it is even without extra steps like this.

    There’s nothing else the bottom right button does when a cue is displayed so why not just keep the normal function?

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    You just swipe the cue down then the button functionality comes back. It is because the buttons are dynamic and so do different things in different situations. When a cue is displayed the buttons change between the different cue cards.

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