auto pause by cadence - feature request

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    Niall Castle

    So, you get to the top of the big climb then ride down the mountain and you have to pedal all the way down to continue recording?

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    Seens Tee

    Strange request. Agree with Niall

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    Brandon Babcock

    Agreed, I'm not sure what the use case would be for this request. Now I'm curious!

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    Victor Valderrama

    ¿how long are your hills? xD 

    nah, thing is, it has been common to me see people forgetting to stop/pause a ride when taking their bike on the car/van/train and end up tainting segments all over strava and others 

    also, being able to customize conditions to auto pause seems like a 'one function fits all' kinda thing, I mean K2 is already doing it with sensors per profile, so why not ¿?

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    Niall Castle

    The local descent is 6.9km

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