Please add pacer option
PlannedCan you add the option to "pacer" in future updates to compete with my own times?
Hi Ali,
I think that a pacer would be useful, or the ability to race a previous ride (racing a previous ride is good for hills, where you can't maintain a constant pace given by a pacer).
A smart pacer could be useful, where it can slow the pace by a given amount per percentage of gradient. Not sure how you would characterise that slope, but there must be some equasion which which will reduce the pace for a given gradent.
Yes, 3X yes i am interested in a virtual partner option!
For now I have been creating long strava segments on already ridden routes or after creating a virtual activity with specific pace (using, so that i can ride against a virtual partner. I have to say that with the option that it is possible to ride with multiple strava segments, it is already way better than on Garmin. But this require subscribing to a strava premium account... So i hope virtual partner will be available soon for all HH users.
don't forget please to ask the progammers to calculate and give the option to display the "time remaining in virtual partner course ". As i mentioned before with strava segments it is important to me to know how much estimated time remain when racing a segment or course :-)
I don't think too many users are aware of the feature request option. I'm pretty sure 90% or more of Karoo users would want the Virtual Partner and/or race against your best route time. I'll pitch in with my vote, but as it stands I don't think 10 people are going to influence the speed of that development in the software.
I'd buy a Hammerhead in an instant if they supported Virtual Partner like Garmin used to. (They broke it 3+ years ago when they altered the firmware to reset the VP when rejoining a course.)
With regard to the requests for "smart" VP, I've created a model (think Chung Method) where you specify a few user parameters (mass, CdA, Crr, rider power stuff), input a TCX course with elevation (Strava has the best digital elevation model), and the output is a TCX with a realistic virtual partner. Works like a charm with my Garmin GPSs. As long as I don't stop for a Coke, make a wrong turn, go through a tunnel, . . .
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