Feature request: log RR intervals to fit file




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    Hari Krishnan

    Hi Judah, I agree this could be a valuable addition to log HRV data to the FIT file. Sorry to say but this feature is not available as of now but this is something already in our Development Roadmap. The prioritization will be based on the number of user requests, impact on current customer base, usability, market value, etc. 

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    Eric Lacosse

    I would second this feature request by the OP.

    Garmin devices appear to make logging HRV to .fit files very easy with the flip of a switch in their general settings.

    Even if RR-intervals from heartrate sensors are not used by any other feature, at least writing them to the .fit file would be great.

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    Gavin Green

    Hi Hammerhead

    HRV tests & RR tracking would be super useful to me too. I have to use my old Polar device to record this which is not ideal. I am on a cycling program and ride for road cycling team. Needing HRV is useful to measure recovery & fatigue build-up in order to plan the week's training ahead.

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    Julio Laplaza

    I have just bought my Karoo 2 unit, and used it today for my first ride.
    I got shocked after discovering it is not saving the RR intervals in the FIT file. 

    I am triathlon coach, and this is for sure a must in the features that the Karoo unit should include.

    I am describing the minimum data list that should be there included in the FIT file, mandatory for any serious cycling computer (...that costs 400€!!) in addition to the current existing ones:

    1) R-R intervals when the chest strap supports it
    2) Cycling Dynamics (why would people buy a computer unit that is not handling these data when they bought expensive power meter equipment?).  It is not acceptable at all.
    3) Any other extra data provided by the unit, such as Battery data, in order to analize behaviours, or others..

    Please, tell us that 1 & 2 at least will be ready on the unit very soon, or we will regretfully have to return it and to advice against it to all the network of coaches/athletes, since we can not work properly, and our former and simpler garmin 520 already had all these features working perfectly

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    Judah Rand

    Return it quick while you have the chance!!

    I've also had a LOT of issues with sensors not connecting or just dropping off mid ride. I ended up having to do a TT the other night with no sensors at all!!!

    Escape this terrible excuse for a cycling computer while you can! Garmin has some problems but the basic functionality is solid (and never used a Wahoo)

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    Paco Aranda

    It would be very helpful to have the HRV data in our karoo, and I think a firmware to implement it is relatively simple.

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    Julio Laplaza

    In fact, it is....
    The data is there, you only have to get it and put in the FIT file. That's all.
    I did it on my own in around 1 hour at home using Java and reading the data in real time from the chest.

    I am still going out with my old Garmin and not with my new Karoo 2... :-(

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    Paco Aranda

    Glad to see HRV fall into Hammerhead's plans for future updates.

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    Brian Schlottmann

    Well, I've been a huge advocate of the Karoo 2. I still have my Wahoo Roam as well, but I've personally sold two Karoo 2 units and can't reference two new customers of the Hammerhead device. One of the new users who is waiting on her unit is one of my two cycling coaches. 

    My orientation began today with my analytics coach and we were talking about all the data he'd like to see. That conversation got me started on HRV data and trying to find a better heart rate strap monitor with HRV to use with my beloved Karoo 2. 

    You can imagine the sinking feeling I got in my stomach when I realized that the Karoo 2 doesn't handle the HRV data. Ugh. Say it's not true!

    So consider this my +1 and upvote for fast-lane'ing this feature request. 

    Hammerhead, you are doing great and I'm seeing the headway you are making in the market! But this feature request will remove a roadblock that serious cyclists in training are having with the Karoo 2. 

    Thanks for getting this handled!

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    Benjamin Hendler

    Any update here? Thinking about moving back to garmin due to Karoo not collecting data such as HRV, Torque (data field) core temperature and glucose.

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    Andi Rezub

    Discovered today that the Karoo is not logging HRV. I have to consider selling it or check if return is still possible, that's really a deal breaker. All data provided by sensors needs to be logged to the fit file, even if it's not used by the Karoo itself.

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    Andi Rezub

    I have to bump this up again it's really important and still missing.

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    Darryn Storm

    Hoping to see this included soon as well, currently I have to dual-record with my Garmin

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    Alex Pawlowski

    I want to +1 this feature as well, this is an absolute must for an expensive cycling computer.

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    Florian Muehl

    Please, record HRV to the fit file. Analytic tools use them. Garmin does it. I bought a karoo 3. Now I see it does not record hrv. 

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