Speed is correct, Mileage and Average Speed and Power way off
The weirdest thing: on today's ride of 82 kilometers, my Garmin speed sensor gave the correct speed, but average speed - (22 km/h instead of my customary 27 to 29 km/h) - and total distance (61 km instead of 82 km) on my K2 were way off. Plus, the Normalized Power reading from my 4iiii left crank sensor was up more than 100 Watts compared to my previous rides.
Has anyone experienced something similar? Any suggestions apart from a hard reset?
Heinz, we are still waiting for your details. Please send them in a ticket by submitting a request on this link: https://support.hammerhead.io/hc/en-us/requests/new
If you attach them here, it might get rejected so please raise a ticket with support for us to help. Thanks!
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