Feature Req - Upcoming Turn Adjustability Setting (Popup Alert adjust by Distance and/or Speed)
Hi -
New Karoo 3 user here, loving the interface so far. However, I would like to see the ability to set different distance threshold triggers to show the popup for the upcoming turn when on data field pages. I don't believe this is possible at the moment (please correct me if I am wrong).
For me, I find the popup to alert me on the upcoming turn a little to close to the turn itself, especially if my speed is fast and needing to navigate the terrain or changing lanes on the road. .
It would be a bonus if there is a "smart" threshold based on a model that takes into account of the traveling speed and/or perhaps trigger multiple popups at different intervals to help the rider prepare for the turn earlier, e.g if speed is greater than X when rider has entered the upcoming turn zone distance, where X can be a variable of speed (10mph, 12mph, 15mph, 18mph, etc..) and turn zone distance can be determine by user or algo. Then trigger the popup to show the turn either "one time only" or "multiple times" based on the current speed.
Please help make this recommendation to the Product Managers as a feature request.
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