Enable AppleWatch as an HRM input via companion app
I would really love if the companion app would be able to grab the current HeartRate from an AppleWatch. Third-party apps could do it in the past, why not the companion app now?
ciao io uso hrm monitor e funziona bene anche con gli ultimi aggiornamenti. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hrm-heart-rate-monitor/id1671488058
I spent some time over the past couple of years trying the various HR apps for Apple Watch with my Karoo. Things worked for a while until the Karoo issued an update that broke something fundamental with how they work together and as long as you were ok with your HR always being 80, it worked. :/
So, after some digging in to this a bit (by day I run a tech consulting firm) I found this: https://www.watchlink.app/
Essentially it's an ANT <> BT bridge pod. Set up on phone. Pair to Karoo via ANT. Once it's set up you don't need your phone, you just use the Watchlink Apple Watch app to start it and your HR appears on your Karoo. Perfectly. Every time.
You want the The Watch Link POD. On rides I put the pod in a pocket on the left leg of my shorts (same side as Apple Watch).
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