language - other than English?




  • Official comment

    Hi All,

    We have an update!

    We introduced Spanish (as a start to having a multilingual software) on Karoo and Dashboard under recent Software Update! You can now change your system language under Settings in Hammerhead products to use them in Spanish. Help article for your reference: Karoo 2 - Language.

    Thank you!

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    Frederic Lahaxe



    Or in french ;-)


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    Lubomir Stofcik

    Or  in Slovak :)


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    Jeroen Kotterlink

    Or in dutch?


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    In spanish please! :/

    or an editable .txt for make our traductions

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    Paco Aranda

    commercially it would be a plus

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    Hichul Kim

    or in korean ?


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    Hari Krishnan

    Hi Andrzej,

    As of now, the only available language on The Karoo is English. We may add more languages via software updates in the future. However, please note that the names of the streets will still be displayed in English.

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    Paolo Vigano

    O IN ITALIANO .... 

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    In theory, this should be relatively simple to do. It should be a case of translating an English properties file into whatever languages Hammerhead decide to support. I'm not entirely sure how translations are handled on Android applications but, in web apps, this is relatively straightforward to handle.

    I'm sure there would also be plenty of interest in crowdsourcing the translated files from you guys who have requested specific translations in your respective languages, here in the user community.


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    Hichul Kim

    I would gladly help to translate to korean.


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    Hwang DW

    or korean

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    Philipp S.

    Do you have now plans for the Karoo 2 and multi language support?

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    Philipp S.

    @Krishnan what do you mean with "However, please note that the names of the streets will still be displayed in English."? On my Karoo displayed the streetnames in my language it also shows some of german special characters like Ä,Ö or Ü or ß.

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    Antonio Ruiz

    Count on me if you need help for Spanish-Spain. English is no problem for me but i would be happy to help if needed.

    I have some experience helping translate other apps. As someone said above, the process is quite straightforward.



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    Dirk Billerbeck

    I think Multi-Language Support for the Karoo 2 would be great. I do understand English but I would like to see native language support.

    So if you are planning to translate to German-German don't hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to help you if needed.


    Best regards

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    Hari Krishnan

    @Here: I checked with the team and I got to know that it is not in our immediate plans to support foreign languages on the Karoo. At the same time, we are expecting to work on this project somewhere down the line.

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    Hichul Kim

    I could wait for the foreign languages support.

    but could you add foreign languages keyboard to karoo?

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    Pierre Breteau

    English is not an issue but I really would like to be able to navigate using my mother tongue, French.

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    English is oke but I really would like to be able to do settings etc. with my mother language, Dutch.

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    Hey All,

    As we work towards adding multi-language support on the Karoo,

    You can change the keyboard settings on your Karoo 2. Here is how:
    • On the keyboard that appears when you need to input anything, you have to long tap on “,” and slide your finger up to the Settings "Gear" icon
    • It will give you the option to configure your keyboard settings and language
    • Proceed to toggle the System language as off.
    • You can choose your keyboard settings to be QWERTY, QWERTZ, etc.
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    Here's my two cents adding to this thread: what is the progress on multi language setting (not the keyboard, already found that ; thanks for that so far that's progress )

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    Is there any news and more details about the other languages for the Karoo interface?
    I had read somewhere that it should come in spring 2023. It is now spring...

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    Adam Birlet

    It is almost autumn ... Still no update ...

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    Marcel Gerrits

    Dutch language please!!

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    Adam Birlet

    And German!!! Does not need to be perfect, at least provide text file for the community to be able to change ... Please

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    Thomas Hartenstein

    ... with the last update from 25.01.2024 the Karoo speak not only Espanol but also German ;-)
    Karoo Software Build Version 1.443.1750

    ... but other than mentioned in the release notes the dashboard there is only English and Espanol.

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    Udo Marx

    ...yes, and the German translation looks not too bad. 

    Unfortunately, some labels in the data screens are quite long in German, a bit awkward because labels are broken into 2 lines mid-word, or truncated to the max. length.

    Here are some proposals (hope that somebody from Hammerhead reads this):

    - 'KADENZ' in the German translation (obviously for the cadence) instead of 'TRITTFREQUENZ', it's shorter, and this term is also well-known in the bike scene

    - 'REST ANSTIEG' instead of 'VERBLEIBENDER ANSTIEG' in the 'ELEVATION REMAINING' numeric data field

    In the setup part, the translation of 'Notification drawer' and 'phone drawer' to 'Telefonschublade' and 'Benachrichtigungsschublade' sounds a bit strange, I had to switch back to the Englisch language to see what is means. I would propose to use 'Telefon Kategorie' and 'Benachrichtigungskategorie' instead, but maybe someone has a better idea here.

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    John Verken Do La Vis From Zahmurgen

    come on, after such a peaceful time there is no Polish language? why don't you respect our country? you can use chatgpt, a new translation will be created in a few minutes

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    John Verken Do La Vis From Zahmurgen

    The funny thing is that the person who started this thread is Polish and wrote that it was about the Polish language.  The thread is finished, but Polish is still missing

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