Feature request: better night mode




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    Hari Krishnan

    Thank you for sharing your feedback and experience with the recommended solutions. This is something we will bring up in the Product meeting.

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    Richard Eustace

    I agree completely and I have actually mentioned this before.  The screen is much too bright in gloomy England.  Surely having the screen brightness span even wider so that we can go dimmer would only help with battery life and therefore it is a selling point.  I know it can go dimmer because the bug,that still exists in 117 has it very dim after coming back from power saving mode. 

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    Stefan Schmid

    Same in Switzerland!

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    Rui Rodrigues

    Agree. I think my bike lights in standby mode are less bright than the Karoo in the lowest setting. It hurts my eyes. 

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    Pan Pawel

    I agree completely! When I'm riding in dark conditions, even a minimal backlit screen hits my eyes. What's worse, when I turn on sleep mode and turn the screen back on, the screen is completely dark and you have to intuitively find the brightness bar and set it.

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    Justin Chapman

    I just did my first night ride with a K2 and agree:

    - at lowest screen brightness the screen is too bright

    - map doesn’t even seem to be trying to do a night mode, is way too bright and affects night vision after viewing.

    it seems like the issue has been there for a while. Is it a hardware limitation, a “feature”, or pending improvements?

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    Hi Justin, it is pending improvement and requires investigation. It is also a matter of priority as there are other competing priorities that draws our attention and needs, to catch up with our backlog of features and reliability of the device in use.

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    Markku Tikkanen

    I'm very happy to notice my request is being investigated very thoroughly, over 1 years already.


    Please consider this feature request a safety issue. Riding in the dark safely requires excellent low-light vision and bright lights disturb this greatly. Due to the excellent mapping features of Karoo it would make it an excellent device for night time driving but the current brightness is simply dangerous.

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    Justin Chapman

    Thanks Ali for confirming it is being addressed as a matter of priority. As Markku has confirmed it really is a safety issue and the description of it as a feature request doesn't quite do it justice. I am presuming it is not a hardware limitation as it has been identified for over a year and the new Karoo2 has been around much more recently than this. My mobile phone, Garmin's, etc all have straightforward ability to set brightness to a lower level so hopefully it isn't too onerous.

    The mapping issue is a software thing; the colours/tone need to be inverted just like the text fields are currently.

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    I made a similar observation in my First Impressions post a few weeks ago:

    Screen is nice and sharp but not especially bright, even at 100% brightness. Still some way off my iPhone X screen resolution and brightness (but I appreciate it's not a phone). Also the differential between 0% brightness (should it actually be completely off at 0% brightness?) and 100% is not that great which makes the 1% brightness increments kind of pointless. That said, I imagine it's probably quite bright when riding at night.
    There's no point in providing 1% brightness increments if the differential between 0% and 100% brightness is so minimal.
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    David Quick

    Did this ever get resolved?

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    Markku Tikkanen

    I haven't noticed any change on minimum brightness. Perhaps it's a hardware limitation with the backlight. A better dark mode map is there though. 

    Nope, correcting myself, the map in dark mode is exactly same as in light mode, so nothing better there.

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    David Quick

    Have Hammerhead commented on how to use the Karoo at night? there's nothing in the user guide that I can see. Seems a pretty big oversight assuming all cyclists go out during the day!!!

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