Custom Workouts push from to Karoo




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    Hey Marco.

    As of now, workouts can be imported only from Training Peaks and we will be looking for more third-party integrations in the future. However, I have forwarded this request to our Product team.

    Creating workouts from the Hammerhead Dashboard is also something in our Roadmap.

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    Marco Soldano

    Thanks! Considering how cool the workout builder is in (and being free) I would focus your resources on enabling 3rd party integration, it’s probably a better return on investment


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    Richard Soltes

    Thanks. Using intervals without the cost of TP/TR would be a resource.

    Having some samples to load a see how it works without a subscription would be good, and let one explore the feature.

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    Stuart Hardy

    This is a superb suggestion. Been using for quite a while and David the developer is incredibly responsive and has published the api so the integration shouldn't be too big a job. Completely solves the issue with dependency on premium subscription to TrainingPeaks. Also solves the issue with being able to upload different workout file formats and scheduling as has already written all the parsing and scheduling. 

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    Gousti Fruit

    Yeap, is a MUST.

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    Philip Wadlow

    Agree, this is really important.

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    Jonathan McKaskey

    Ive not used but...

    I would absolutely LOVE to see custom workouts able to be loaded to the Karoo. This would be a big improvement.

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    Ian Walker

    Just wanted to chip in and say that I would LOVE integration - which appears not to be technically difficult. I really like structured workouts, but don't want to have to maintain a TrainingPeaks premium account just for this.

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    Brandon Babcock

    I've been using since it was mentioned on this forum and it was awesome - so much info and would LOVE to have it load workouts to the Karoo 2.

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    Luccas Ruzzon

    I've just got a Karoo 2 and being a user of it would be great to have this integration!

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    Luccas Ruzzon

    Any news on this front? This at the moment is a deal-breaker for me. To have this option limited to TrainingPeaks is a shame.

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    Hi Luccas, and all - this is not planned for the near term and we are monitoring the interest from the community.

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    Luccas Ruzzon

    Hi Ali, thanks for coming back to me and being clear that this won't change in the near term. In that case I will return my device as it's no use for me.


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    Brandon Babcock

    Would LOVE to see some integration here! I'm not sure how complex of a task that is, but pushing a custom workout to our Karoo would be phenomenal. You'd be allowing your users more freedom to choose where they get their workouts from - specifically not forcing them to pay for (yet another) subscription service.

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    Bruno Tremaudant

    I’ve just ordered a Karoo 2. I also would like to be able to add at no cost an interval workout to my device. Even if it’s through a simple form or an xml file or an integration with a free platform. I see in this thread, it was in the roadmap 6 month ago but still not available and not for a near futur... please consider our requests.

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    Marco Soldano

    So @Ali at which point the "interest from the community" becomes relevant on your radar screen?

    At this point I would happy to upload at least a few workouts into the unit via USB, as a first step. almost doubled its user base from the beginning of the year, it is free, and has a very flexible platform for creating workouts: look at this as all work you don't need to do for your platform.

    I applaud your integration with Xert, which I am using, but many users don't want to pay for another service.

    Please consider this option seriously, I think it would bring a lot of value to your product.

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    Bruno Tremaudant

    I’ll add that I’ve hesitated to order the Karoo 2 just because of this missing capability. I’ve decided to give it a try hoping to have the function soon and if I don’t find a way to integrate my Interval workouts, I’ll use my garmin for those trainings which is a pity...

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    Philip Wadlow

    This is a real weakness of the Karoo at the moment.

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    Luccas Ruzzon

    @Ali, so saying that this is not planned in the near future you assume this device is not aimed at cyclists that are willing to do structured training and improve their fitness. At the moment you're forced to use TrainingPeaks - which would be ok if it was free - but it costs $19.99 per month or $119 if you have the money to pay a year upfront. 

    And it's not like this is a cutting edge functionality - the Garmin Edge 130 that costs 1/3 of the K2 price offers this for free. Some sports watches that cost $50 offer this, again for free.

    Considering you're able to offer this using TrainingPeaks, it's clear that's not a technical issue as the workout files shared by multiple platforms are compatible and TP it sell is able to share the workouts to Garmin, Wahoo, TrainingDay, etc, etc. So is it a commercial decision to allow TP exclusivity? If yes, what a shame. Seems like the user is not the actual focus.


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    Oliver Rutherfurd

    Being able to load workouts from would be a compelling reason for me to switch from a Wahoo Elemnt Roam to the Karoo 2.

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    Jeff Vestal

    Adding in another voice for support. I currently have a paid TP account, but will be dropping it when my current subscription ends and replacing it fully with 

    Not being able to load structured workouts on the k2 would be a huge loss. I load workouts on it both for indoor and outdoor rides. 

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    David Horn

    Another vote here for support please.

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    Edgar Karel

    And my vote too

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    Same here, integrations with would be awesome. They allow an export into different formats, even a manual import would be an ok stop-gap measure. Like others have said, not being able to create your own workouts is a big letdown on the H2 as not everyone uses TP.

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    Marco Soldano

    Hello? Any update on this feature requested 6 months ago?

    You already have a training peaks import working, workout formats are the same. Please take a look at this feature.

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    Peter van Weeghel

    I am also supportive of this development, please keep me updated as well!

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    Gareth Sargeant

    I would also like to upvote this for myself plus I could convince two of my cycling buddies to buy a K2 on their next upgrade cycle. 👍

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    Michiel Mulder

    I've been supporting Karoo since day one, having ordered both the original Karoo and the Karoo 2 as soon as they were announced. But it really annoys me that after three years I still have to use my Garmin Edge 1000 to do structured workouts. I'm a professional speed skating coach, I don't need TP to plan my teams workouts. But I'm forced to have a paid TP account in order to upload my own cycling workouts into my Karoo. To make matters worse the TP workout builder is not the most user friendly I know. And guys, come on, really: no support for distance based workouts on a Karoo? What a joke! So do your homework and either create a decent workout builder yourself or develop integration with!

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    Pit Neitemeier

    You all know it is possible to use the Trainingpeaks workout builder with a free account? I still think this should be implemented, but in the meantime it is not the biggest problem for me.

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    John Pfennings

    +1 for a simple workout builder on karoo/dashboard 

    /upload from third party.  repeated request...

    Just as Michiel early adopter from Karoo1 and also Karoo 2


    This really takes to long....

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