Custom Workouts push from to Karoo
CompletedWould you provide the API for to push custom workouts to the Karoo, similarly to what is possible from TrainingPeaks.
For those not familiar, is a service very similar to training peaks, with a much simpler and cleaner web app. They recently added workout builders and plan builders and best of all is free.
Been able to push workouts to Karoo and Karoo2 would be a big plus for Karoo users, not having to pay for a TP premium.
Hey Marco.
As of now, workouts can be imported only from Training Peaks and we will be looking for more third-party integrations in the future. However, I have forwarded this request to our Product team.
Creating workouts from the Hammerhead Dashboard is also something in our Roadmap.
This is a superb suggestion. Been using for quite a while and David the developer is incredibly responsive and has published the api so the integration shouldn't be too big a job. Completely solves the issue with dependency on premium subscription to TrainingPeaks. Also solves the issue with being able to upload different workout file formats and scheduling as has already written all the parsing and scheduling.
Would LOVE to see some integration here! I'm not sure how complex of a task that is, but pushing a custom workout to our Karoo would be phenomenal. You'd be allowing your users more freedom to choose where they get their workouts from - specifically not forcing them to pay for (yet another) subscription service.
I’ve just ordered a Karoo 2. I also would like to be able to add at no cost an interval workout to my device. Even if it’s through a simple form or an xml file or an integration with a free platform. I see in this thread, it was in the roadmap 6 month ago but still not available and not for a near futur... please consider our requests.
So @Ali at which point the "interest from the community" becomes relevant on your radar screen?
At this point I would happy to upload at least a few workouts into the unit via USB, as a first step. almost doubled its user base from the beginning of the year, it is free, and has a very flexible platform for creating workouts: look at this as all work you don't need to do for your platform.
I applaud your integration with Xert, which I am using, but many users don't want to pay for another service.
Please consider this option seriously, I think it would bring a lot of value to your product.
@Ali, so saying that this is not planned in the near future you assume this device is not aimed at cyclists that are willing to do structured training and improve their fitness. At the moment you're forced to use TrainingPeaks - which would be ok if it was free - but it costs $19.99 per month or $119 if you have the money to pay a year upfront.
And it's not like this is a cutting edge functionality - the Garmin Edge 130 that costs 1/3 of the K2 price offers this for free. Some sports watches that cost $50 offer this, again for free.
Considering you're able to offer this using TrainingPeaks, it's clear that's not a technical issue as the workout files shared by multiple platforms are compatible and TP it sell is able to share the workouts to Garmin, Wahoo, TrainingDay, etc, etc. So is it a commercial decision to allow TP exclusivity? If yes, what a shame. Seems like the user is not the actual focus.
Adding in another voice for support. I currently have a paid TP account, but will be dropping it when my current subscription ends and replacing it fully with
Not being able to load structured workouts on the k2 would be a huge loss. I load workouts on it both for indoor and outdoor rides.
I've been supporting Karoo since day one, having ordered both the original Karoo and the Karoo 2 as soon as they were announced. But it really annoys me that after three years I still have to use my Garmin Edge 1000 to do structured workouts. I'm a professional speed skating coach, I don't need TP to plan my teams workouts. But I'm forced to have a paid TP account in order to upload my own cycling workouts into my Karoo. To make matters worse the TP workout builder is not the most user friendly I know. And guys, come on, really: no support for distance based workouts on a Karoo? What a joke! So do your homework and either create a decent workout builder yourself or develop integration with!
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