Feature Request: control Varia light mode
I would like to control the light mode of my Varia while riding (switch from solid to flashing etc). While I am using the Varia for safety reasons, it‘s now a little unsafer (need to manually change the mode on the Varia itself reaching back) after switching from my Garmin to the K2.
So it seems this feature is now on the K2? I just received mine and was setting up. I see this feature and have the setting as I want...however when I start a ride I still have to press the Varia button to turn the light to the mode I want. Either this feature is not working as intended, is buggy, or I'm doing something wrong.
Hi Trey,
hmmm. Not on mine. Could you post a Screenshot of the feature or the setting?
Light mode off is easy.
You need to set the Light mode to off. And the default mode also in the sensor settings. So after activating a profile to ride my varia turns off the light.
But it is hard to turn on the light during the ride. This would be a great IMPROVEMENT :-)
A couple of things. Thomas, what do you mean Light Mode off is easy? And when you activiate a ride profile the light turns OFF" I would want the opposite, and what I had with another device *wink* You activate a ride, the light begins to blink or go into the mode you pre-choose via settings.
I see in the sensor settings the different default modes....but what I'm saying is when I activate a profile and begin a ride this DEFAULT mode does not engage the light....therefore I have to click the button on the light a few times to get it into the mode I want.
I get it, if it's not a feature yet, but it seems via what I see on my screen the text says that it is.....and I'm not seeing it work. Bug, not sure....just what I'm seeing.
Thanks for anyone helping this noob, maybe I'm doing something wrong, or expecting something that is not intended via said feature/UI.
Hi Trey,
for me turning off at Start ist more important (during Summer to save the radar battery)!
But as I said it is not so easy to get the light on (during the ride would be nice to have a Data Field with on/off-option!) - That's even the topic here.
I tried it here for you. I set the default light mode to solid max. Then I openend my default Riding Profile. After starting the ride my Varia turned on. I only guess that the flashing mode is not possible to set as default.
Yea for me the tail light does not turn on even though I've set the default mode. You all aren't talking about the HEADLIGHT are you? The only reason I say that is I DON'T have a headlight, but K2 found Light, so I was assuming the LIGHT function and RADAR were picked up as different sensors.
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