Garmin GPX routes
PlannedHi Support
I often get routes created in Garmin Connect incl. marked key points/places/stops.
In my previous Garmin 1030 - these marked key points was visible in the route and Garmin was a feature/view which gives information's on how fare to next and all keypoints at the route. Will this be a future feature in my Karoo 2 ???
I really hope so - very useful
I know this is not very helpful, and not really a solution, but probably 0.1% of people create routes via Garmin. Use RideWithGPS...or Strava...and you'll not only have a much better route creating experience, but have an exportable file that works great with Hammerhead.
In the mean time, you could try exporting your GPX route from Garmin into RideWithGPS. Then using that software to export/transfer-via-link to Hammerhead?? Not sure if that'll work, but may solve the problem with missing metadata.
Hi Johnny,
The feature is currently not present on the Dashboard routing. What we have now is POIs that can be exported while syncing any route from RidewithGPS. You can also create these on the Dashboard but would have to tap them on the ride to get a navigation/distance available.
The feature however is present on the roadmap and will definitely be implemented on Karoo at some point.
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