Feature request: Auto scroll through screens
PlannedFirstly - very happy with my Karoo 2 / with varia, etap & powermeter.
To assist with less than perfect vision wondering about an idea to have the Karoo auto scroll through selected screens?
Idea being you could then have less data on the screen in bigger font.
An idea on how it could work - select up to 3 screens to scroll through - simply swipe to the screen, double tap and so on for 2 -3 screens. When done it goes between those screens automatically every 3 seconds or so?
I used to have autoscroll on my Garmin and I am missing this on the Karoo2.
I like this device for it’s great navigation but I would like it even more if some screens scroll automatically, like speed, heartrate and distance screens. If this could be added to the software, this would be a great plus to the device.
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