Battery save / downhill / TBT sooner




  • Official comment

    Hi All,

    We have made several improvements to Battery Save Mode on Karoo 2. 

    Please refer to our Software Release Notes:  Karoo Software Build Version: 1.493.1899

    Thank you!


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    Hi Paspa,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I can't say the changes will be made immediately, as I have shared this with the product team for consideration. As of now, the Turn messages shows up at 150m before the turn. However, it may not be possible to customize the TbT based on uphill or downhill segments, as we are still continuing to work towards cleaning up the map data through the vendors.

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    Anna Ronkainen

    Agree that the messages come rather late especially on some descents. You don’t really need gradient information to improve this at all though, just make it depend on speed instead.

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    George Chiou

    Time until the next turn makes the most sense: if you have current speed and distance to the next turn, the alert for the turn message can be set for a interval based on velocity--at a high velocity (>40kph), 30 seconds might be enough for the Karoo to wake up, render the map correctly with the next turn instruction and let the rider safely read the instruction and maneuver the bike to execute the next turn, at a less rapid pace, 20 seconds may be enough....

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    Thanks for the replies, one of the problems is also that when the unit awakes it still needs 2 seconds to center on the map.
    When you travel eg at 50km/h downhill 150m activation means one has 10.8 seconds (150/(50*1000/3600)) time to look at the screen. 
    When taking the 2 seconds delay (waking up) into account it leaves you with +- 9 seconds to react.

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