Re-routing after route is finalized - bug since latest update




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    Hi All,

    We have fixed the issue where Karoo could show navigation cues from the beginning of a route after you reached the destination if you had been following the route in reverse.

    Thank you!

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    Piotr Piotrowski

    We are asking to make re-routing optional for almost a year here so yes, maybe in the next update!

    This is one of the most anticipated features for me.

    Rerouting is so annoying. On my last ride I have to remove/add route more than ten times to continue, since every time I stop for photo, or go back a few centimeters it triggers rerouting and goes straight to the end ignoring all my planned route.

    I don't understand what is so hard to make it optional. Just ignore I'm out of route and continue navigation when I'm back.


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    Optional re-routing would be great, but that's not the issue that I'm reporting here.

    This current issue is clearly a bug since the last update.

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    Anna Ronkainen

    It used to be like that earlier as well, it has only been for a month or two that the navigation stays on Destination reached instead of rerouting. (And yes, I would still like to be able to just get to end ride without having to dismiss the cue thank you very much : ) Guessing there’s an incorrectly resolved merge between two versions of code somewhere in the latest build...

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    Hari Krishnan

    Dear riders, When you reached the end point of the Route, did you get the "Destination reached" message and when you moved further from the destination, did Karoo 2 starts Re-routing after dismissing the "Destination reached" message by itself?We were not able to reproduce this issue on our initial attempts and we are still trying to reproduce this issue.

    Ideally, Karoo 2 won't Re-route once you see the "Destination reached" message.

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    Tried to reproduce it today, but couldn't for the first time. But I think I know now how to reproduce it.

    Often I draw a route that ends close to my home but never exactly at my front door. Most of the times I stop recording ~1 km before I'm home to have a bit of a cool down.
    If the finish of the route is after the point when I have stopped recording (by using the pause button on the K2), the rerouting will keep on happening until the moment I remove the route or finish my ride.

    I will try to reproduce this again in my next ride!

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    Hari Krishnan

    @Michiel: Thanks for giving more details. If you deviate from the Route before getting the "Destination reached" message, as per the current implementation, Karoo 2 will Re-route you towards the destination.

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    Thank you, but that's not what is happening. I will try to film it during my next ride.

    I've been happily using the K2 for almost 2 years now. This small bug was clearly introduced in the last update. I'll come back to you!

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    I've had this behavior twice in 4 rides, but I can't seem to reproduce it. I'll report back once I find a way to reproduce it.

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