Disable rerouting




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    Byron Brewer

    This would be fantastic. Upvoting.

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    Indeed, and add more option for re-routing. Some time the short way is ok but in others the easy way is the option prefered (usefull for MTB).

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    Ray Meel

    This must be next most wanted feature! )

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    Saad Mufti

    Why can't you just remove the route for the time being? And add it back in when you're ready to be guided again? I think it will recognize you're not starting from the beginning, and pick up the route from where you are? At least I think so, but haven't tried it myself.





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    Arnaud Schebacher

    On device routing needs to be improved with more options like surface type selection.

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    Hi Aluja, thank you for posting this and I see it has already attracted many upvotes for this feature. 

    I assure you that this request definitely reaches our Product team, but I will not be able to promise any timeline on this. 

    Currently, there is no option to disable rerouting, but I do have a workaround for you. Sometimes when you see a road that you want to explore that is not part of your route.

    You can either "remove the route" in the Control Centre or, if you exactly know where you want to scour, you can create an offline route by dropping a pin there. That way, it will route you to the pin instead of trying to reroute. When you reach the pin or cancel the offline route, then it reroutes you back to the original route from there. 

    I hope this works for you. 

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    Piotr Piotrowski

    Simple option in settings to enable/disable rerouting should be very easy to implement. Then you can make it more configurable. I was very surprised not to find it in the settings as I was thinking that it's obvious that rerouting should be optional.

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    Saad Mufti

    Other than different wording, what is different between what is being asked for and the existing option of "Remove Route" from the in-ride control center?




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    Byron Brewer

    Remove route stops routing altogether and removes the route from directions. Disable rerouting would stop the computer from automatically rerouting the second you go off course and allow you to find your way back to the planned route.

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    Saad Mufti

    Got it. Thanks for the clarification. Does sound like it would be useful. As would different rerouting options mentioned in different threads, so it could be a menu of 1) don't reroute, 2) reroute to nearest course point, 3) reroute back to where you left the route.




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    Piotr Piotrowski

    Yeah, I see it better right now. What's annoying is constantly beeping when you are off route and it rerouting on the way, as if someone kept rebuking you. I know I'm off route! :)

    Maybe an option to personalize that option will work:
    * make different sound for off route notification
    * setting how often it should play sound while off route
    * setting to mute sound while off route

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    Dennis Phillips

    Just found this conversation thread when searching for a way to turn off rerouting.  As mentioned earlier, I am looking at extending battery life for all day rides and know rerouting is very cpu intensive.  Noticed that when stopping for pit stop, rerouting will kick in and may reroute several times during a single store/rest stop.  Would like to turn rerouting off but still have an indication when off course so I can choose to self correct or just keep going until I want to get back on track.  For mountains, would like to be able to just have the route highlighted on the map but no feedback of being off route as GPS and road are often off enough that I hear the tones for being off and on route every few yards.  When it gets that bad, I cancel route until I need it again.  I think having the option to have the unit mark the route on the map without navigation would be very power efficient and for the mountains would provide the what I need without always being signaled off course and then back on course because of miss match of gps and road.  If I could choose a menu?

    1. Rerouting enabled (operates as it does now)

    2. Prompt for rerouting (On this setting, rider would be notified of being off route and asked to reroute yes, no.  Yes or no would display until option is selected or route is found again.  If yes selected then rerouting is enable for this occurrence and if no, the unit does not reroute.  And if the course is found again, then the next time the ride goes off course, the rider is again prompted yes or no to reroute.

    3. Rerouting disabled.  (Rider is notified that he is off route with sound and a banner that has to be marked as seen to remove it or get back on course will also remove it.  No further off course notifications occur unless the route is found again and the rider goes off course again.)

    4. Map route only  (the route is highlighted on the map but no further navigation support provided, no directions, no off route notifications, nothing.  It would be the electronic equivalent to holding a paper map with the route highlighted).

    And since I am wishing, I would like to be able to get be able to change between these settings during a ride.  

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    Ray Meel

    It will be simple and clean feature just to add a new option in settings where user can define distance from route in meters, when Karoo must initiate rerouting. No distraction with pop-ups during a ride.

    If I ride through crowded city I will set 500 meters offset for rerouting. When I go to country ride, 50 meters will be good enough.

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    Piotr Piotrowski

    +1 to Ray Meel / option with the distance will work for me and I think for most cases mentioned in this thread. I'm huge fan of wandrer.earth or squadrats.com and often ride a little offroute to take a full street or off road square and it will be great if I can set rerouting to be less "aggresive" so it will not trigger new route if I'm like only 50 meters off.

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    David Wilson

    Another reason to be able to disable rerouting is when planning a ride. For example if I import a ride some distance from my current location, but want to review it on the unit, particularly parts of the ride which enable the climber function, it wont let me see it as it immediately tries to route me to the start of the ride. If the start is close to my current location, then it finds it quickly, if its in another country (ie planning a holiday ride) then it goes into re-routing indefinitely as it tries to find a route from current location to wherever in the world it is planned. Or am I missing something simple here?

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    Wim Tromp

    Today I tested for the first time my new Karoo 2. The only question I had after my ride was if I can disable rerouting. I think this is needed. Better is: 1) enable ( classic mode) 2) disable 3) option - ask me after 50m(customized) off the track.

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    Donald Newlands

    I bought a Karoo 2 for backwoods gravel rides, but three times now, auto-rerouting has gotten me lost.  If I miss a turn, Karoo tries to re-route automatically and it's not obvious that I'm on a new course until it's too late.  One time, auto-reroute sent me a mile off course up a 300' 15% hill to a dead end so I could turn around!  (A U-turn indicator would also be really helpful.)  I our neck of the woods, automatic routing is often unreliable.  Gates, washouts, hike-a-bike trails and U-turns will cause the computer to propose crazy routes and often the routing takes me on abandoned, non-existent or bicycle hostile roads.  Please, please give us a way to turn it off!  Just a big flashing "OFF COURSE" indicator would be fine.    

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    Ian Gordon

    It is really annoying when the device is beeping its head off trying to reroute and I've just stopped at a cafe! And when riding if I do go off route accidentally I just want it to beep at me once and then I'll just turn around and get back onto the right track again. I do bit want rerouting at all. The device is really fantastic in so many ways but this is a glaring weakness right now.

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    Harry Matthiesen Jensen

    Re-routing is nice, but even better if we can disable it.

    I am sure that this will extend battery life, and normally are you fully aware that you are off the route and know how to get on the route again.

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    Richard Town

    Having the option to allow reroute with an Cross or Tick (left/Right button) would be excellent

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    Upvoted. Please add this feature soon. I recently used routing on a mixed terrain/gravel ride and the rerouting feature was very annoying and I was getting the rerouting spinning circle even while I was back on the route after missing a turn. Having the option to disable it with just an "off route" notification displayed is very sorely needed.

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    Jim Brooks

    Another upvote.  While this may be an edge case, I do a lot of Ride Every Road/Every Single Street/Wandrer riding.  I plan out my routes in detail so that I hit every street in the most efficient route during a given ride.  Rerouting means I miss streets without being aware that I've been routed away from my plan, forcing me to backtrack to pick them up.  Not to mention having to pull out my phone to check my route in RWPGS to find out where I SHOULD be.  While I love the bigger map on the K2 vs my 830, not to mention the faster and more predictable loading of routes, being unable to turn rerouting off is a showstopper for me that forces me back to my 830.

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    Daniel S.

    Upvote. The rerouting feature is really annoying. On long routes it starts to find shortcuts and is working the whole time.

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    Byron Brewer

    How much longer can Hammerhead continue to ignore this when this is clearly something people want. 

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    Wim Tromp

    Should we organize a petition? ( :

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    Anna Ronkainen

    Another vote from here. Maybe a general “suspend routing” toggle in Control Center would be one uncomplicated way to accomplish this, leaving the route selected and the route line visible (removing the route completely and then reselecting it takes a zillion clicks and anyway the line is still useful in trying to figure out the general direction) but stopping display of route cues and rerouting.

    In my experience, most reroutes are harmless (the planned route is following road rather than bike path or vice versa or takes some strange shortcut thanks to algorithm and map data quirks but the proper route is obvious, or I just haven’t bothered to specify my preferred route through endless suburbia in great detail), many are actually useful, and some are actually annoying (ones going to the start or an inappropriate waypoint, or ones where the (re)route is unrideable due to road closures or surface quality). For me it’s mostly the annoying ones I’d want to get rid of to just use the map (and road signs etc.) to figure out the route myself, but I understand that even the harmless ones may be undersirable if you want to maximize battery life.

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    Daniel S.

    Yes they push new functions every month but could change some little things... Climber, Heatmaps are nice functions but there are essential features that do not work correctly or are really annoying. Is was wondering how their "pros" using the device for bikepacking events. Rerouting is not needed there, alerts peeping every 5 seconds or never, climber is nice but is killing the battery, important Pois like gas stations and some other are not on the map but libraries?!?!

    Please work on the essential stuff before you add any new features!

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    Bob L.

    +1 on being able to disable rerouting. I rarely use routes as I know all the roads in my area like the back of my hand, but from time to time I'll use a route to make sure we're riding the desired distance/type of ride (flat, extra climbs etc.). Should we elect to detour by a road or two to add or remove distance or ride components the re-route pop-up becomes a nuisance very quickly.

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    Tim Anderson

    I have to agree with the comments above that I find it hard to believe that the ability to turn off navigation / rerouting and to just display the route on the map is not available. I do a lot of riding in areas where the map database isn't the most accurate (gravel roads in the middle of National Forests etc) and that coupled with GPS signal issues leading to position errors and the unit constantly trying to re-route while I am in the middle of the only road in a 5 mile radius. We should be able to set a tolerance for the off route threshold and be able to have the option to just display / overlay the route on the map screen. I know other Android apps have the ability to set the threshhold for off course warnings and other bike computers have the ability to only display a route, so not sure why they won't implement this, but am having a difficult time thinking of a technical reason.

    I have been pretty happy with the Karoo and have had years of frustration with the Garmin units, but the fact that there have been posts about this going back years and no reply from Hammerhead other than "we can't promise a timeline" for more than a year has me seriously considering sending it back since I am almost to the end of my 45 day risk free trial. 

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    Simple feature to implement....


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