Continuous Glucose Monitor Data Widget (CGM sideload)




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    Gavin Jones

    Great work on getting this done.
    Does anyone have any data on what this does to battery life on the device?

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    Henry Aspden

    I haven't noticed any significant battery usage Gavin but would welcome somebody doing a pre and post installation test... It's so hard to complete the same ride at the same time of day with the same bike and same exact starting % to get accurate comparisons.

    The app itself is very very small in terms of what it does, simply downloads a small file every X seconds and then uses the Hammerhead Karoo SDK to feed and display that as a data field (which is already running anyway)

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    Leon M.

    Hey, i'm not sure if i made a mistake but the APP isn't working at my karoo (3rd generation)
    Will there be an update for the new karoo or should it work and I need to try it again?

    And especially, thanks a lot for your work

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