Is There A Way To Enable/Disable GPS Per Profile
CompletedCurrently seems like even if I choose an Indoor profile, it is trying to acquire a GPS lock. I have to go to sensors to manually disable GPS. But then it stays disabled even if later I go for an outside ride and I have to remember to enable it again.
Is this really how it is designed to work? This seems highly inconvenient.
Is this part of some "per profile" feature set that is being worked on?
Official comment
Hi All,
Just an update on your query:
- We’ve added two new functions to profiles. Now, you can set a profile as Outdoor or Indoor, and Karoo will turn GPS on or off accordingly. You can also set a default bike for each profile, so that tracking mileage on each of your bikes is even easier.
Thank you!
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Lots of posts on here already about associating sensors with profiles (including the use case you describe). Here's one, for example:
The search function in the Community works pretty well for getting answers to questions like this.
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