CLIMBER: First impressions




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    Aline Bieler

    Hi, I too have the impression that this feature has been released too early and has many bugs. I am not sure anyone has tested it. Very disappointing, it could be great

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    Charles Senly

    +1 as I experienced the same thing. Looking forward to HH answer

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    Mario Daban

    This morning I gave Climber another chance, a route with clear uphill (and downhill) parts to check again how climber works.

    It was again a festival of colours, with great excitement every time the climber countdown started, but from then on it was a totally random series of small coloured segments that had absolutely nothing to do with the ground. Again, flat uphill parts were showed as ominous warnings of steep gradients, and when you were relaxed, the hardest parts of the climb came while climber indicated that you were in a series of greens including negative gradients.

    And of course, several metres short of the top, climber would congratulate you with a 'you made it'. Funnily enough, the 'Upcoming elevation' graph did seem to work well when it showed you that you were not yet at the top of the climb.

    It's quite possible that climber is not entirely to blame and possibly works well on long road climbs, but definitely not for MTB, possibly because of partial loss of GPS signal and the difficulty of breaking the climb into 100m sections when the ground is so variable.

    I still think, it's just a feeling, that it might be an offset problem as I stated in the original post, but I still have no feedback from HH, even if it was one showing interest like send us the .fit or we're working on it..

    My confidence in HH is total, and I hope that in the next versions these problems will be solved.

    Have a nice weekend!

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    Reinhard Plietsch

    Great idea of a feature, to start with!

    - Same offset issues here, it seems predicted and real position are 500m off from each other.
    - When climb is shown, map routing gets overlaid in an annoying way: Actual position arrow is covered, you have no idea whether you miss the next run or not. Climb feature and map should co-exist without sacrificing the map part to such an extent!

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    Reinhard Plietsch

    Climber tab overlays route/actual position arrow in 'map+2 data fields' view, makes you lose track of the route... screen partitioning needs a fix.

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    jim verkest


    same problem here. I just bought the karoo2 and tested a climb this morning and noticed that the climb feature gives false info. Very disappointing feature.Current position is wrong by more than 300m so the climb indication is not correct.

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