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    Anna Ronkainen

    That’s nothing, last week I reported a ride which the Karoo recorded as 4703 m and Strava autocorrected to 280 m (yes, it does that on its own when the numbers are far off enough), on a device that works just fine in non-Germany...

    I don’t think your problem is with the specific device, the extra spikes are just random, and the amount of the deviation is just a question of luck. And yes, this should be fixed as soon as possible.

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    Georg Pupacher

    I have the same problem and it's really annoying. Hammerhead please fix it. I loved that you added the Core Sensor, but please fix the Hm. Please!

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    Juliane Röll

    Feel you. One of my last rides tracked 492m on the Karoo, and 142m when corrected by Strava (on 110km of track length). It's ridiculous.

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    The issue is really annoying. Over 7000m on the Karoo and Strava showing the correct elevation which is 230m. Also a Grade of -67%? I think I would have noticed falling down a cliff...

    This makes one of the most basic features of a bike computer useless.

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    Carsten Weigandt

    Ich frage mich nur so langsam, wie ein Profiteam wie Israel Premier Tech so ein unausgereiftes Gerät bei den Rennen benutzen kann. Oder bekommen sie andere Geräte. Ich hätte am liebsten mein Geld zurück und würde das Gerät zurückgeben. Ich habe bereits ein Ersatzgerät, da das alte immer den Kontakt zu meiner Sram Schaltung verloren hatte. Mein altes Gerät hatte aber nicht diese extremen Höhenunterschiede, anscheinend gibt es da gravierende Unterschiede in der Hardware.

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    Carsten Weigandt

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    Carsten Weigandt

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    Juliane Röll

    Oh wow, und die deutsche Übersetzung ist auch ziemlich im Eimer! :D

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    Carsten Weigandt

    I'm beginning to wonder how a pro team like Israel Premier Tech can use such an immature device in the races. Or get other devices. I would like my money back and return the device. I already have a replacement device because the old one always lost contact with my Sram circuit. But my old device didn't have these extreme differences in height, apparently there are serious differences in the hardware.

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    Anna Ronkainen

    Managing to use both “Klasse” and “Note” for “grade” (both incorrect in this context) is pretty funny. But I’m not sure pros would care all too much about this, I presume Climber still works reasonably well based on the x & y coordinates, and the rest doesn’t matter that much. (Personally I find this mildly annoying but mostly just somewhat entertaining.)

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    Same here - it differs from ride to ride, sometimes it is fine but often it adds a massive amount of non existing altitude meters to the ride!

    You can see all the extra spikes in your altitude profile of a ride in dashboard (see image)

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