Hammerhead shut down, was unresponsive mid ride, with 70%+ battery life.
I was 37 miles and 8000' into a birthday ride and the screen on my karoo2 went blank, tapping the screen produces no results, and none of the physical buttons produced any results, so I plugged the hammerhead into a power bank, the power bank was discharging indicating the hammerhead was charging, although the last time I had looked at the hammer head it was at 70% battery life. After 15 to 20 minutes of tinkering with it I held both of the lower side buttons which seems to have "fully reset" the hammerhead, at which point it asked if I wanted to resume my ride, great, except that it was a ride from three days prior, which I had already completed. All the data from that day's ride was gone and there was no indication as to why the unit had gone completely unresponsive.
So I started a new ride, and yet again, before my ride finished the unit did the same thing, going to a totally blank screen with no tapping or button pressing producing any result.
As of late my hammerhead has also been unable to produce a route when I try to use it to navigate...
Losing the data from this ride was disapointing, It was a very significant ride for me, and this Hammerhead is fairly new to me, I almost brought my old garmin along for such an event, but decided not to, really wish I had now...
How common is this sort of issue?
Mark, that's very unusual and sorry to hear that an important ride had such issues. We would like to investigate and see what went wrong to find a solution for you. Could you please submit a request to our support team and provide the Serial number of your Karoo 2?
Please submit a request here: https://support.hammerhead.io/hc/en-us/requests/new
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