Internet Connectivity with Android
Is it planned to have your phone (android) be used for Internet connectivity on the K2? I asked early on when I purchased last year and was told it was planned but needed iOS developer or something...
I see it's now on the K3...I'd like to know the future plans for this feature. I waited a year for TrainerRoad integration hopefully not much more for what many would say is a standard feature for a head unit.
No I'm not going to spend $20 a month to insert a sim card, which is a very unique feature of the K2 I know! lol.
Hot spot is an additional cost for my plan and is not an option. Such a feature has been on most every Wahoo and Garmin unit I've ever used. And would allow for even more capabilities of the K2 if they could reach out to the Internet live.
Patiently waiting on what was loosely promised nearly a year ago.
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