Sensor low battery warnings missing
In the past couple of weeks I have run out of sensor battery twice without ever getting a low battery warning on my Karoo 2, once with a power meter (Assioma, ANT+) and the other time with a HRM (Polar, BLE).
I definitely used to get these (to the point of being annoying) so I wonder if something has gone wrong with the recent update (that supposedly made the low battery warnings less annoying).
Hi Anna, we have not heard of this from other riders and there hasn't been any changes to it. We will be monitoring and testing this again, but please let us know if this happens again on any of your ride. Do share the FIT file and sensor details with us in a ticket to the support team.
I have TyreWiz pressure sensors and did not get warnings when the pressure dropped from around 6 bar to 4 bar due to small punctures in my tubeless tires. This happend *twice* within the last few days. Of course I might have missed the warnings, but I doubt it. However, I did get some warnings about low batteries.
@Frank Kintrup
There have been an increasing number of false low pressure warnings.
The Hammerhead Dev Team has disabled the pressure warnings until they have found a solution.
I have only found one entry in the forum that refers to the false warnings and it is 2 years old.
I hope they re-enable the warnings soon, without them it would be pretty pointless to have pressure sensors.
I bought the sensors for exactly this reason. -
Having a pressure sensor without warnings is absolutely pointless!
I just checked it, dropping the pressure in one tire from 6 bar to 2.5 bar in 30 seconds while the Karoo was recording a ride. No warning at all :-(
Did they announce this regression?
I don't recall anything like that in their change logs for new firmware releases... -
I also raised a ticket for this issue with support and got the reply that "low pressure" warnings were disabled because of false alarms. Seems their software developers are unable to make such a simple feature work reliably. Quite rediculous, low pressure warnings do not look like rocketd science...
NO notification about the feature removal was posted in the firmware change logs, they just SILENTLY removed it 🤬
Adding of low pressure warnings was proudly presented in the change logs two year ago, though.
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