New Karoo hidden WIFI Networks



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    Thomas Maslen

    I don't have a Karoo 3, but both with a K1 and with a replacement K2 I could easily enough connect it to my home network, which I do indeed run with the SSID hidden.  I don't remember what I did or didn't have to do (it was a while ago), but on the K2 just now I visited the WiFi section of Settings and, at the bottom of the long scrolling list of not-hidden WiFi networks that it autodiscovered (but above the "Wi-Fi Preferences" subheading and "Saved networks" section, I see a "+ Add Network" option, and when I choose that, the "Add network" page that comes up starts with a "Network name" field that says "Enter the SSID".

    So, at least on my K2, there is a pretty reasonable way to do this.  Oh, come to think of it:  call me weird but I have intentionally NOT installed any Karoo updates on this K2 since shortly after I received it and updated it to whatever version was current then, so I can't be sure whether the UI I described above is still true for current versions of the software.

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    That was the hint I was missing. I did add the Network manually via the "+ Add Network" button, but what I missed was the additional switches after the entry area for the password. That was hidden by the keyboard. Now it works as expected. 

    Thanks a lot.

    Just for good measure, for those stumble over the same issue.

    Wenn adding the Network, there is at the end a "Advanced options" area, that you need to open to define that your network is hidden. It is a switch "Hidden Network" => "Yes"

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