No "Compass" Sensor data fields
PlannedI would like to know which direction I'm heading on my "main" screen. "NE", "W" etc perhaps with a compass also.
This is one of the things I really liked on my previous Bryton device and had I known it wasn't available I wouldn't have bought the Karoo...
All inbuilt sensors should have their data exposed.
Hi, just 10 minutes into configuring my new Karoo 2 as a replacement for my Wahoo Bolt, setting up a similar profile, I notice that I can't set the compass heading as a data field, after which I've found this post...
Is there perhaps any update? I'd really like my compass :-) Thanks!
Hi all, we totally understand your point and there is no denying fact that this could be a valuable feature to add. We have forwarded this feature request to the Product team and we expect to see this feature somewhere down the line. Right now, we do not have a concrete timeline to share it with you.
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