Discard Ride




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    Hi All,

    This issue has been addressed in today's release. Thank you for bringing this to our notice!

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    Derbyshire Pantani

    Hi Steve,

    When saving the activity, why don't you just unselect the strava and RWGPS icon so it doesn't upload to them. Any option not to save the activity could accidently be selected causing people to lose activities.





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    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Yes, that works, but it turns what should be a simple one-step task into a multi-step task as I still have to delete it from my list of Rides.

    I guess I can live with it as it is but perhaps one of the buttons on the left of the unit could be used to clearly differentiate the delete action from the save action in order to prevent data loss.

    Maybe it's not a big deal. The Karoo UI has improved in recent months but there's still a few things that I find annoying (like why "Workouts" is still on my Home screen when I suspect less than 50% of Karoo users actually subscribe to TrainingPeaks).


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    Hey Steve. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

    Currently, we do not have the option to discard a ride but to save it first and later delete it from the Rides app. We had received requests from the customers in the past that they had accidentally discarded the ride instead of saving it. Due to this, many of our users had lost their important rides. With this, we have removed the option to discard the ride in the first place.

    You can save the ride and later delete it from the Rides app. As Matt suggested, you do have the option to upload the ride to Strava or skip the upload. You need to tap on the third party application icon to ensure your ride gets uploaded. If you still do not want the ride to upload, you need to tap on the icon to greyed it out and your ride will not get uploaded to Strava or Ridewith GPS.

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    No worries, and not super inconvenient as such, but you've turned what should be a simple 1 tap operation (Discard) into a 3 tap operation (deselect Strava + deselect RWGPS + {deselect other third party integrations in the future} + Save) coupled with a swipe to delete and confirm tap from the Rides app.

    The way to get around users accidentally deleting ride data is to put a confirmation dialog on it (like you do when deleting a ride from the Rides app). As mentioned previously, you could also put the delete button on the opposite (left) side of the Karoo to the save button, to avoid any additional confusion (followed by a confirmation dialog, if necessary).

    Not a biggie, anyway, but a little frustrating. I see Discard Ride has been suggested by at least one other person here recently (see: Usability Suggestions).


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    Hi Steve, totally agree with your point. It's not the best at the moment, and we do have consideration to simplify things around that.

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    František Cimmer

    The issue of being accidentaly discarding the ride can be solved by requiring long press on discard button like on smart watches...

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    Yes, indeed. Or simply mirror the interaction that the Karoo uses to save the ride (swipe from right to left) by swiping from left to right to discard. Something like this:


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    Steffen Ørskov

    I would also very much like to be able to discard a ride. A long press or slide would be great.

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    James G.

    I often use my Garmin when riding in Zwift to show lap data, which is not a native feature in Zwift. At the end of my ride, my ride file from Zwift uploads automatically to Training Peaks, etc. With my Garmin, I can end the ride and chose the discard option, so the file is not saved on the Garmin. With my Karoo 2, evidently this is not possible, the result being that I have duplicate rides uploaded to Training Peaks. This should be addressed. In many years of riding, I've never "accidentally" discarded a ride, as Garmin devices require you to confirm your intention to delete. This should be an easy fix.

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    Hi James, this does not require a fix but a better UX implementation. Once new users have acquainted with the device, we will see how critical this is for the community. Discarding a ride from RidesApp is still easy and an option, but people who accidentally lose their rides can't recover them after the action.

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    Tijmen Krijnen

    For me, this would be pretty handy, so definitely +1.

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    Andrea Longo

    I agree please add the option to discard a ride.


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    This request seems to be gaining a lot more traction lately and it would be good to see some movement from Hammerhead in an upcoming release.

    I understand there is some concern about data loss and new users accidentally deleting rides. Have you considered implementing a "Deleted Rides" container that gets purged every 30 days or so? That way, even if rides are accidentally (or deliberately) deleted, they can still be recovered within a given period of time.

    My thinking with this is that deleted rides would not be uploaded to connected services until they are moved out of the deleted rides container. I see a few people saying that they have had to delete "desk" rides from Strava because they have accidentally uploaded them. If a ride is deleted, then it should not be uploaded to any of the connected services until it is moved out of that container.

    I would also expect to see this "Deleted Rides" container made accessible from the Dashboard so that users can restore deleted rides from there as well.


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    James G.

    The response from Ali is laughable, and it shows why (in my opinion) this device is unlikely to displace Garmin or Wahoo any time soon. I guess Ali never learned the lesson in retail that "the customer is always right." It is obvious that users should have a "discard ride" feature, and the safeguard against accidental deletion is also obvious, i.e., require the user to confirm deletion (e.g., "Are you sure you want to delete this ride?").

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    Saad Mufti

    I like Steve's idea. Deleted rides can stick around for say a month. During that time, restore if you deleted accidentally. Only at that point would it be uploaded to any partner sites. Makes perfect sense.




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    Trevor Gannon

    New to the K2 and still getting used to it. Like others, my biggest gripe is not having the ability to discard a ride. It's easy to start a ride by accident and I then end up with 0km rides on the apps I use.  To avoid accidentally deleting a ride you can have two options: - 1. Save Ride or 2. Discard Ride followed by a final process of Are you sure you want to discard?

    K2 has huge potential but still a way to go before its a market leader (or a revolution by their own marketing!)

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    This is a simple basic requirement, available in any other device on the market.

    "Once new users have acquainted with the device, we will see how critical this is for the community"

    There really is no need to wait to see how "critical this is" for the community.

    It's important to make sure rides are preserved, but then there's no reason there can't be a delete option on the finished ride screen. The UX problem of making sure they want to delete it is easy to solve and there's plenty of paradigms to do it.

    These things should be solved straight away rather than just removing a feature, and then users having to complain about basic features and waiting months for it to be fixed

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    Joe Hoffman

    In my testing, it looked like if you press the back button (bottom left physical button) that it doesn't upload to Strava, and then you can delete the ride from on the Karoo also.

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    Edgar Karel

    I discovered this too: press bottom left button: no upload to Strava/Komoot.

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    But it will always save to your Hammerhead account. There is no option to back out of this.

    Like I said above, they've turned a "simple 1 tap operation (Discard) into a 3 tap operation (deselect Strava + deselect RWGPS + {deselect other third party integrations in the future} + Save) coupled with a swipe to delete and confirm tap from the Rides app".


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    Daniele Fonelli

    Check my last comment, I found that is the fastest way to delete a ride and don’t upload it anywhere.

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    I'm sure there are ways to do this but the main point seems to be users shouldn't have to figure out these uneccessarily complex ways to just delete a ride, there should just be an intuitive way to do this in the first place

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    My issue with the current workflow is that it forces the user down the path of saving the activity, regardless of whether or not they actually want to save the activity.

    I should not have to explore various button presses in order to figure this out for myself. 

    In any case, pressing the bottom left button (instead of Upload on the final step) still saves the ride to Hammerhead so it doesn't solve the problem entirely. You still have to go into the Rides app and manually delete it from there (swipe and confirm).

    Also, quitting the Rides app by holding down button D seems a bit extreme as well. Trouble is, if you hold it down for a little bit too long, the unit will reboot which is another undesirable consequence of this.

    All I want to do is discard a ride. Not save it anywhere. Please, make it simple for me to do it. I've given you a potential UX design (above) and proposed a data loss prevention solution (move the ride into a Deleted Rides container for 30 days). Pretty much every other ride tracking app provides users with a means to delete or discard a ride. Here's a few examples (Strava, Ride with GPS, Wahoo):

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    Imyarek Famiylove

    It's very easy to prevent any issues with "important" rides just by checking total distance of current record - there's no way to be important in less of 500 riding meters at all. One simple check and developers will solve most of requests for Discard option and still be able to prevent accidental removal.

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    James G.

    Honestly, I don't know why this conversation is continuing. It is obvious to anyone that a "delete ride" option should be added to the software and Hammerhead's explanations to date are an insult to the intelligence of anyone who has enough brain power to balance a 2 wheel vehicle.

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    100% @James

    Same issues all over the Karoo. Struggling against Hammerhead to develop the most basic of functions. 

    Same issues trying to get them add a beep to the buttons. 

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    What's especially depressing about (the lack of) this particular feature is that it actually used to exist and then Hammerhead removed it after people complained they were deleting rides by mistake.

    There's no accounting for user error but, instead of fixing the design issues with their implementation, they removed the feature entirely.



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    John Houlihan

    Plus 1 here for deleting a ride after confirmation. Better still save deleted rides to the dustbin and empty after 1 month.

    It is possible to prevent upload to TP, Strava etc by scrolling down the screen when presented with the final Tick Arrow to finish saving the ride and unchecking upload to your linked accounts.

    Only found this out from another user comment above, thanks to all who post regularly with insights to Karoo functionality.

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    Alexander Kim

    As a satisfied K2 customer, I feel obligated to disagree with James Grosser's abusive tone and, on his behalf, apologize to Ali. "The customer is always right"? What may have worked for Walmart in the 1960s and led to a monopoly position that exploits its employees is certainly not a healthy standard for a sustainable world in which we all want to live.This highly questionable kind of "I want to talk to the manager" mentality has already found its manifestation in countless "Karen" memes and shows the absurdity of some customers' fantasies of omnipotence. No, the customer shouldn't always be done right. He is not always right.Many customers have lost their grip and believe that they have acquired an entire company with the purchase of a product ... I don't know many tech companies that are so open to customer feedback and actually incorporate it into software updates that appear with above-average frequency.
    Some very good suggestions for a suitable implementation of the desired feature have been mentioned here. I would also like to see a discard function. Support has transparently explained why this originally existing feature was removed at a certain point - namely due to customer feedback. Stay calm, enjoy using Garmin devices and always show respect to your fellow human beings - especially if they listen to you and take you seriously.

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