Temperature is way off
AnsweredThe temperature reading on my Karoo 2 is at least 4-5 degrees Celsius too low. Am I alone here? An indication like: hot, cold, nice is as accurate as my device. Stange that the basic functions like speed, distance and temperature are so hard to cover.
Oh, and the auto update function that was fixed is still broken.
Interesting, have seen others mention this but mine is pretty much spot on. Ride will start about 1 degree warmer than my indoor temperature and eventually stabilize about 1 degree colder than what my weather app says.
Must be some variance between units... maybe one day they'll add a calibration screen? -
Why measure something if you don't care about the measurement. The same goes for speed, distance etc. It's just about having fun on a bike isn't it?
I just don't get it that Hammerhead Support is not giving a reaction. Don't they give a sh*t? I really like the Karoo 2 but I advise people to wait for a matured version. One that does the basics right.
My Garmin Edge 830 is just as inaccurate. And I read that Wahoo users have the same complaints… but I don’t need my head unit to tell me that I should be too cold or too hot. I’d be more interested in the ability for the unit to show a local weather forecast, I’ve got SIM installed, why not pull that live data…
edit: actually both my edge and K2 are reporting the same temperature right now (indoors) as my house indoor thermometers… maybe it’s a hardware issue for others.
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.
We understand that you are not happy about the discrepancy in the temperature recordings on Karoo 2 compared to the reality. The discrepancy is due to the fact that Karoo 2 displays ambient temperature and this can be affected by the surroundings. We are reviewing the analytics data on how far off the temperature readings are, based on different regions. Also, the note here is that the reading is only an ambient temperature and not the exact temp which can always be difficult to calibrate, especially within an electronic enclosure. We will get this right!!
If we start getting increased reports from many users for the criticality of these particular issues, the product team will get it up on the priority list.
Hey Hari,
Thanks for (finally ;-)) jumping in.
I understand that there can exist factors that may introduce an error, but if you take the value I get now and add 4-5 degrees to it, it's almost spot on. Of course when I start a ride with my bike from the garage and go for a cold ride, it takes some time for the sensor to reach the air temperature. But it's never giving a correct value.
What I would suggest is that you can enter the correct value as often as I want. And the more data points I enter the more accurate the correction curve will be. So there will be a correct value in summer and winter. And I also would suggest that you take a great sensor for the Karoo 3. Measuring temperature is not rocket science in 2021.
Oh, and correct the speed while using sensors. The same strange problem of not getting the basics oke.
Thanks and bye,
I've always thought having a temperature sensor at the spear-tip of a bike is not the best place as it's right in the wind. When, I'm not using my Karoo 2, I have a sensor just behind my saddlebag out of the wind that I connect my phone to using ANT+
My question is why doesn't my Karoo 2 recognise my temperature sensor (a Garmin Tempe) over ANT+? I'd really like the unit to recognise the sensor and, where it does, to allow me to override the internal sensor with external sensor readings to one decimal place.
This is common sense so do please explain why this doesn't work and whether it can be implemented.
'Youre' in the wind, so why not the sensor on the unit - which will give you the figure of the temperature which you're effectively riding in..I know when I ride the figure I get are are accurate, as it generally mirrors the temp. I have on the outside of the house I have on a weather station at the start of the ride
I’m not sure when I first noticed this, but my K2 is reporting temps within a degree of what my Apple Watch reports. I started checking 10-12 rides ago and it’s doing fine in both sunny and cloudy conditions. Six months ago, it was consistently 5° (F) off. I don’t know why it’s doing so well now but I’m glad.
Mine is definitely still low. Went on a group ride and compared everyone's temperature ranges from strava afterwards, and my K2 was between 1-6F degrees too low for the low temperature, and between 1-14F degrees too low for the high temperature, compared to everyone else's readings.
Genuine question: Why is the supreme accuracy of the temperature reading so important out of interest for those who think this is a major issue? One doesn't need the head unit to tell them if i need to wear a gilet, toe covers or pull the zip down on a jersey? I do want my head unit to remind me to drink and eat more though. THAT would be useful!
Also, in static situations, my unit seems to show exactly the same temperature as my Garmin 830, and the various house thermometers.
I’d say if the unit provides information to the user, it should be accurate. Do I need to know how cold it is? Not really. Is it annoying when the unit gives me bad information? Yes. Similar to grade information. I know a 10% grade when I’m riding one, but if the unit says 6% or 14% it makes me question the reliability overall.
@Mark: how useless is this comment? Doesn’t matter how important it is to you! It is for other obviously. And if there is a data field, I expect it to be precise.
Same question to you: why would I need a device telling me, when to eat or drink? I feel wenn I am hungry or in need of a drink. 😅
My K2 reads 8-10F degrees higher than my two weather apps on my phone that pick up nearby weather stations. For example on my last ride, the phone apps said 86, the K2 says 96 degrees. It was sunny and warm but not a 96 degree scorcher...
I can walk outside and make a better guess than my Karoo reading. I agree with the other folks that said if the Temp field isn't going to be reasonably accurate, you may as well not have it. I have removed the field and replaced it with another data field.
I can personally attest, a generic phone app. ISN'T as accurate as an immediate temperature measuring device ie the K2. Ok, theirs a chance the k2 could be faulty or such like but in my experience as i study the weather and own a weather station, it's accurate! The k2's sensor even goes up an down during a ride, wind etc, for me. So, Darrell, buy a thermometer and do a comparable test and I'll buy you a beer lol that's it's fine 👍
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