karoo 2 uploads the ride twice to strava.




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    Hi Steve, Usually, Strava will reject duplicate rides done on the same date and time. Could you confirm both the rides are actually showing Hammerhead Karoo 2 under the gear? Also, is there a possibility that you were also recording the rides from another device like a smartwatch?

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    Steve Knight

    it shows one ride from karoo and the second shows riding with steve k. but I am not using anything else to record with. Unless ride by gps us uploading files to strava and I don't see it is connected to strava. here is a pic of the two and they are a tiny bit different. 

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    Saad Mufti

    is steve k a different user from your regular Strava user? Strava will detect and group together rides between different Strava users if they detect they were riding together, I think that only happens if the two users are following each other on Strava. If so, this would only make sense if you were following a diff Strava user "steve k" and the same ride got uploaded to them, maybe from a diff device. Then in the Strava feed it will show you "rode with steve k" and show both your ride and "steve k"'s ride. Strava will even group together rides that don't match exactly, because in real life someone you ride with you may be ahead of some of the time or lagging but still end within a few minutes of each other.

    This can also happen if another Strava user tags you in their ride. Then your "tagged" ride shows time and distance but no other metrics (because those like power and heart rate belong to the original Strava user).



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    Steve Knight

    nope I only have one account and this just started with the karoo. no one is tagging me either. I only follow a few people and none of them are named the same as me. its really strange and does not happen every time. all the info is there same heart rate though it might be a tiny change on distance and time. is it that the karoo is uploading the ride and the website too.

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    Saad Mufti

    Very weird. Hope Hammerhead can figure it out. Never seen it myself.





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    Steve Knight

    one little ride did not upload do I uploaded it from the karoo and my last ride of the day uploaded to strava no duplicates. so its a bit random.

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    Steve, it would help if you can share the URL of both the activities with us in an email to support@hammerhead.io. Also, please check your group privacy settings on the Strava.

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    Steve Knight

    will do I had deleted the last ones.

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    Steve Knight

    so far its still doing it its kind of random it wont do it every time.

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    it would help if you can share the URL of the activities with us at support@hammerhead.io

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    Steve Knight

    I emailed you the links then stupidly deleted the duplicates. I will send a new one when it happens again.

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    Steve Knight

    ok it finally did it again. this ride was actually three separate rides over the day. first time I tried doing that.



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    Thanks, Steve. Only one of these ride shows is recorded on Karoo 2. The other one does not show the device that it was recorded on. It would be best if you can reach out to Strava support and get an answer from them, as they can see more details on where and when these rides were uploaded from. We can't see any detail here other than it's tagged as an Indoor ride.

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    Steve Knight

    I just did. this only started with the karoo and it is random and does not happen every time.

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    Thank you. please let us know what you learn.

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    Steve Knight

    finally heard back from strava. it was ride by gps uploading the ride. when I got the karoo I added it to ride by gps so all my maps would sync. but other then that I did not do anything else. garmin was syncing to it too but I never got the duplicate rides from it. I think I know why with garmin it uploaded to strava then strava uploaded to RBG but he Karoo uploads directly to RGB then that uploads to strava somewhat.

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    Thanks for getting back here, Steve.

    Could you please check if your ridewithgps is connected with the Strava? It should be under the settings > connected services. You can disable that connection, as you already have the connection to Strava via Karoo 2.

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    Steve Knight

    already did it.

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    Jason K

    Exact same thing just happened to me today.

    I had a hunch it may be the RWGPS connection, and this seems to confirm it. I keep RWGPS connected to Strava via iPhone as I occasionally use, but isn't supposed to upload anything other than activities it created itself as far as I'm aware. Looks like there may be a random bug here. Hopefully they can get this sorted out.


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    Got the same problem.
    Not sure but I think it's because of beeing connected to GSM + WiFi.
    I tried to save my ride on the Karoo 2 inside the garage where I can't receive the WiFi. The ride was sent only one time to Strava.

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