Connection with Specialized Creo e-bike




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    Hi Scott, there are no current plans for the integration of the e-Bikes. It still remains on our backlog, and we will let everyone know once we start working on it.

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    David S

    Well, that's disappointing news.  With more and more E-bikes being sold every day, I would think it would be a good update for Hammerhead.  I wait patiently for the next update to come around, thinking that it will be the one with E-bike integration, but no joy.  I will continue using my Wahoo Elemnt Bolt (with a very nice E-bike screen) and remove the Karoo2 from my handlebars for now to reduce clutter.




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    I second that!  I too want E-Bike support added. 

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    James T. Korken

    Missing Ebike support is THE remaining aspect of keeping me from purchasing a Karoo!

    Please add it and you can welcome me (:-)) as a new paying customer!

    Regards, James

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    Gerry Stephenson

    Well, today is the day E-Bike riders. The update just release has e-bike integration. I have done the update and paired the sensors from my CREO with ease ... Now if only the weather would co-operate I could go ride and test this awesomeness out. Yes its sunny here in Colorado .. oh and yes its only 12ºF and white stuff onto ground .. 

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    wow! yes yes yes! This is exactly what I've been waiting for! Can't wait to install it and ride! 

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    Daniel Harnois

    Hi I tried the new Firmware with my Creo the sensors are connected but I don't find the screen for the ebike.

    Also the assistance level is not right

    level 0 is no assistance

    level 1 is economy

    level 2 is sport

    level 4 is turbo

    you data is 1 - 3  or 5 ( jumping 2 and 4)


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    Gerry Stephenson


    You have to edit your profile and add the e-bike data fields then you will see all the information. The level numbers are different and my guess is this is for many e-bkies not just our CREO’s .. I could be wrong. 

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    Daniel Harnois

    I didn't find where I can select e-bike . Do you have a step by step instruction.



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    Scott Herrin

    Thanks, Hammerhead team. Set up was easy. I note, though, that Est Range is showing as “.6” - not sure what that means. Creo battery is fully charged.

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    Gerry Stephenson

    It also appears that on this first release the RE (Range Extender) battery is not recognized? Hoping this is a bug that will be fixed and not a feature miss. I did (along with others) request this necessary data. I will submit a ticket.


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    Our team reached out to Specialized team and they confirmed the Est. range is not yet supported and will always show 1km/0.6mi. We are also looking into the RE battery right now.

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    Joshua Gunn

    Yes, I think it’s either not seeing the RE level at all, or it’s combining the 100% and 50% blocks into a single 100% block. I suspect the latter.

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    Gerry Stephenson

    Joshua Gunn: On the current version of software supporting E-bike integration the RE was not configured for any data to the K2 per the engineer Casey at Hammerhead.

    "You are correct that for this first release, the range extender battery is not included. This feature is currently undergoing testing and will be added to the e-bike integration once we are confident in the development.  There is not a known timeline for when this feature will be ready but we will notify our Hammerhead Community when it is released. "

    That being said the K2 is providing correct battery level for the main battery (also being recharged by the RE) but we don’t know how much battery is left in the RE. 

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