Dashboard and Karoo 2 not syncing rides
Hi guys, I had the issue where rides that I uploaded into my hammerhead dashboard account would not sync with my Karoo 2. It always worked but then, all of the sudden, it would not. What did the trick for me was that I signed out of my Karoo 2 unit and signed back in and viola, everything is synced now! I hope this might solve the issue for some of you.
Hi Everyone any ideas I am having trouble with my Karoo 2 synching. I have had several months off due to illness and just completed my first ride. Karoo 2 is linked to phone. Strava and Karoo all updated. No sign of ride on Strava. Karoo dashboard has the rides saved and tells me the rides already downloaded to Strava. However when I try to resend I am just getting a message synch error. I have logged in and out of all accounts, turned on and off multiple times as suggested by Strava and Karoo. Any suggestions please? Thanks.
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