Bug: Navigation cues break north-is-up map orientation




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    Anna Ronkainen

    Correction: this only happens when the new auto map function is active (looks like I turned the auto cue function off instead after first discovering this).

    Tested it a bit more and here’s how it went. Starting with north-is-up and a demo route where the long tail points north and a scale a step or two bigger than I’d normally use to show the whole route:

    Hello, what’s this:

     (the route makes a loop and then continues straight ahead so the yellow line seemingly branching off was intentional)

    After that one and one more 90-degree right turn, the map looked like this; back to original scale but north is 160–170 degrees off:

    And another turn coming up:

    And after two more turns (arrow points in the correct direction of travel at least in this one):

    And after some more turns:

    Anyway, turns out I actually like the auto zoom (I think I even suggested it at some point earlier), and I can live with the forward-is-up orientation when the auto zoom and the turn cue are active, but please restore the orientation together with the scale when the auto map thing ends. (Plus at least I can keep using the route function as before until this is fixed as long as I keep the auto map function turned off.)



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    Anna Ronkainen

    Did a few more tests again with the latest firmware, bug still there. Looks like it sets map orientation every time based on direction of travel at the moment the cue pops up on the screen and then just leaves it that way (not following the direction of travel either while in the closeup zoom mode) until the next cue. No difference whether already on the map screen or coming from a different data page.

    If you do switch the map orientation for the duration of the automap cue, then please at least be consistent and make it forward-is-up for the entire time, and then switch back to the original orientation and magnification. As it is, depending on the road layout before the turn, the map could basically be pointing in any direction at the point of the turn, never mind a series of turns right next to each other.

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    Anna Ronkainen

    Happy to report that this has been fixed in the latest update, selected north-is-up orientation stays also when the auto map is shown and remains after it disappears. Scale returns to whatever was chosen earlier as well.

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