disable rerouting on karoo2
as the old post is in status 'ANSWERED' while it is not answered, i insist on having it again and having it real answered
it is not answered in
reasons for having the possibility to disable the route on karoo2:
- it consumes energy (battery faster exhausted for long trips)
- it is too fast to do rerouting and even when you are on track you stop for a picture it does abnormal stupid rerouting
- it is not always wanted,it is even less dangerous as you don't have to follow a track like a monkey (less looking on the device)
- if you have followers in a car using this karoo , it is definetly not wanted at all
- easy to implement i guess
- most competitors have it on the device
On a recent ride on the Cowichan Valley Trail, which has long straight sections, my Karoo 2 suddenly decided that I was riding along next to the trail instead of on it. So it rerouted. Every once in a while it would imagine a trail connecting where it thought I was to where I was supposed to be, which is where I really was. Perhaps it has game trails in its memory, or maybe I had accidentally turned on silly mode. Whatever the reason, the constant prompting me to turn, and then rerouting when I didn't, got annoying. Then, just as mysteriously, it took one of those turns in its memory, then prompted me to turn onto the trail I was already on, and then happily went along the trail I had been on all along.
Please, for the love of whatever deity you answer to, give us a button to shut off the madness. Thank you. -
Here's a classic HH re-routing situation that happens almost every time I ride in the woods: Because the forest roads on Open Street Maps in my area (NW Oregon) are often mapped inaccurately, with bad placement of roads and trails and bad routing between them, my K2 will often re-route me in ways that also ignores the manual routing set up when I created the route and put me way off course. Here (image below) I am clearly close to but not on the route line, so K2 has decided to re-route me... Instead of routing me back to my course (to the right at the "Y") my trusty unit is routing me to the left! That road that would have taken me many miles (and many feet of climbing) out of my way if I had followed it.
Because we often ride in the mountains, miles from any kind of support, automatic re-routing could have disasterous consequences for us, putting us in real danger. I hope that HH will make it a priority to fix this simple issue very soon.
-Donald -
Yet another example. It's not off-road, it's in the middle of the Warsaw PL. As you can see there is yellow line under the red one, I'm on the correct path but it prefers red one, and as you can see it is totally not what I was planned. It ignores all my course.
And it takes miliseconds to trigger re-routing, but when I'm back on my route it takes few seconds to back to it (of course only if red and yellow arent' on the same road - if so, it will never switch to yellow)
Hey HH Team, just one simple function: don't suggest a new route, just view my position, and when I get back, continue from the position it detects. So simply there is nothing to add, just make re-routing optional.
Another example of rerouting hassles occurred to me yesterday. Once again, my Karoo 2, with the latest software installed, was regularly deciding that I was riding along adjacent to the trail I was on, although this one was a more typical MTB trail. I just started ignoring all the notices and displays of the off-route stuff. Unfortunately, that meant that I missed a real turn and ignored the off-route stuff because, well, because the off-route stuff has gotten worse than useless. Thankfully we realized that we were off the route pretty quickly and correct it.
Please Hammerhead, get this problem sorted out. It is making an otherwise wonderful device into a real pita.
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