Your Power and Cadence data can be customized to include or exclude zeroes.
Pre-requisite: Powermeter needs to be paired with your Karoo.
Here are the steps to customize the Power and Cadence recordings on your Karoo:
- On the Home screen, click on the "Settings" app.
- Scroll down and select "Measurements".
- Here, you will see the option to include or exclude zeroes for Power and Cadence.
When zeroes are included:
The zeros will be considered while deriving the average Power or Cadence.
Eg: For a 60 second time period, you coast for 30 seconds and pedal at 100 rpm for the other 30 seconds. With 0 averaging, your average cadence would be 50.
When zeroes are excluded:
The zeros will not be considered while deriving the average Power or Cadence.
For a 60 second time period, you coast for 30 seconds and pedal at 100 rpm for the other 30 seconds. If 0 averaging is not considered, your average cadence would be 100.
The same is applicable for Power recordings.
When this setting is used, the following fields are affected in the following ways:
Average Power, 3s Average Power, 5s Average Power, 10s Average Power, 30s Average Power, 20min Average Power, 1hr Average Power, Variability Index, and Lap Power. If their timers run out, or it’s zero, to begin with, we should show zero until the first non-zero value. - Energy Output and Calories are both summations, they shouldn’t be different based on a user’s preference here.
Existing accounts don’t experience a change in behavior
Power: Include Zeros
Cadence: Exclude Zeros
New accounts have a default experience that matches Strava or DCR reading
Power: Include Zeros
Cadence: Exclude Zeros
People can choose to include zeros for Cadence.
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